Movin' on Up!

It's official:  Jillian and I are in the market for a new house.

As much as I love my little abode in West Kildonan, it's a tad... removed... from the amenities we use on a regular basis.  Not to mention a bit small for our needs.

Not to knock West K (or Garden City, for that matter), but we find ourselves constantly driving to other parts of town for, well, pretty much everything.  The lack of a decent coffee shop is one factor (Tim Hortons sucks), and the absence of a book store, higher-end clothing store, and nice restaurants are a few more.

To that end, we've decided to move to a more central area.  We're currently watching a house in Crescentwood near our church, as well as keeping our eyes peeled for anything popping up in St. Boniface, Wolseley, and River Heights.

Hopefully, we'll be out by February.

And speaking of amenities, I've fallen a little behind on the goings-on downtown.  Many of my former haunts are long gone (what with the construction of our new Sports Hub and Entertainment District and all) and, since I no longer take the bus regularily, I have no idea as to what (if anything) has replaced them.

To that end, I've started following Downtown Peggy on Twitter, and have linked to her blog on my left side-bar.

Give her a read and enjoy our downtown!


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