On Winnipeg in the Fall

It's getting coooooool...

Yes, back are the days of 6°C mornings and 28°C afternoons, where wearing a coat in the morning means carrying it around all afternoon...

I know I'm in the minority, but I always look forward to Autumn, or more appropriately "the two weeks of Autumn we get before it starts to fucking snow". Not that I have anything against Winter and its -30°C temperatures mind you, I just prefer Autumn.

'Tis also the season for increased ridership on my morning bus - Red River College is back in session, and I found myself fighting to get a decent seat. Ended up sitting on one of the side benches at the back, which is a bitch when you're trying to work on your laptop (you'd think people would watch where they're going and what they're fucking doing). Fuckin' brats and their lack of spatial awareness... put down that cellphone, take off your backpack, and watch where you're fucking going!

(Ahem) Sorry, for a second there I was "back in the jungle"...

In any case, I've added a poll off to your right. Please take the time to vote.

As I mentioned before, I'm tweaking the site little by little, trying to jazz things up a bit (God knows my writing won't save it), so for the next little while, don't be alarmed if the place looks a bit different each time you visit...


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