On Hypercaffeinated Market Saturation


We're getting a new Starbucks location downtown. How many is that now, thirty? It's like a baristic version of carpet-bombing - they just keep dropping them in a given area until we submit to their marketing savvy...

Yes, as a matter of fact, I DID mean to get myself in these shots...

OK, so I'm exaggerating. There are really "only" four or five Starbucks within a six block radius, but I digress. However - if you were to add the number of Starbucks locations to the plethora of other cafes and coffee shops downtown, the total would be somewhere near my figure of thirty.

Now, don't get me wrong - CJ likes his coffee, but do we really need that many cafes downtown? REALLY? Suppose it's what the market will bear, and people vote with their feet and all that crap, but c'mon already! How different can the coffee be from cafe to cafe?

The one good thing about having so much selection in coffee houses downtown - it's pretty easy to find a quiet spot to sit and sip a good dark roast, while working on my laptop and watching the people go by...

CJ's note: I don't want this to sound as though I'm picking on Starbucks or cafes exclusively - other companies are just as guilty, such as the Golden Arches and Tim Hortons to name but two...


  1. cafes are great - they keep people out and, as people such as yourself, linger there it keep eyes on the street.

    I used to live near Donald and Broadway and, man, would that corner feel a lot different at nights or weekends if the Fyxx and Starbucks was gone.

  2. Hiya Mr.C!

    Oh, I know full well the value (thus people) these cafes bring to an area. I don't see the need for so many, though!

    Ah well, if the cafes are bringing people (thus money) downtown, I suppose that's a good thing.

    A friend of mine used to live at The Princeton back in 1992-93. Nice block, and yes, it always seemed Broadway was teeming with people (which made it harder to dump detergent in the fountains inconspicuously)...

    Good times!

  3. Even with the Starbucks AND Tim Horton's sprouting up around downtown, I still need to walk three blocks out of my way to get to one on my way to work.

    Did I seriously just complain about that? Wow. Maybe I should move to Toronto. ;)

  4. How do you think I feel, D?

    I need to travel all the way from from West Kildonan to get a decent cup of coffee (Pastry Castle or the Fyxx)! ;)


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